Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Past, Present, & Future Tense

[Personal response to this article]

Honestly, the first two pages of this reading made me want to dose off and fall asleep. It mentioned the list of artists vaguely to me, and I could not imagine the projects they created clearly in my head. However, when I continued the reading and saw the pictures and brief descriptions, I was able to comprehend what those mixed media artists had done. These projects are like, babies of technology that have eventually grown and developed over time into our 21st century-generation. It is hard to believe that technology, like today's DVD players, were basically born from these early projects such as the VinylVideo. It makes me think of how technology would develop in our future time, and what new media would be introduced next. It seems like mixed media is not only a piece of useful technology, but also it is most definitely a form of art. Technology is a creative, innovation, created by genius artists. These artists are very influential to society, because they have revolutionized the way people think about what art is. From thinking about these list of artists, I feel like I can accept the status that mixed media truely is a form of art. I used to think that only traditional pieces of art such as paintings or drawings were only meant for museums and galleries. These artists have successfully shown otherwise, because of the fascination of audiences to be able to interact with their innovations. Without them, we would not have essential social networking, such as Facebook. We would not be able to watch our favorite TV shows on tapes or dvds . These artists have taken risks to push through and advance their thoughts outside of their limits, to experiment and explore without hesitation, and have extended the parameters of human capabilities. I find it inspiring that their experiments have catalyzed the meaning of art, and introduced new mediums of interest today.

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